Ausgeschiedene Wrestler:

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Name Stil Gesinnung Finisher-Name Finisher-Art
Accius Apollon Techniker, Brawler, Powerhouse 189 94 Heel
Achilles Showman Face Sharpshooter Sharpshooter
Adam Taylor Techniker Heel Hollywood Kick Superkick
Al Capoon Powerman Heel Capponechoke Guillotine Choke
Alan Sabe Techniker / Showman Heel 1) Ankle Lock
2) Copy and Paste
1) Ankle Lock
2) Stealing Finisher
Alex Anderson Allrounder Face 1) Superkick
2) Sitdown Powerbomb
1) Superkick
2) Sitdown Powerbomb
Alex Black Allrounder / Techniker Tweener 1) Black Out
2) Tigerbomb
1) Kinshasa (Running Knee Strike)
2) Tigerbomb
Alice Dorian Wood Techniker / Allrounder 6 Feet Under Cutter
Andrew C. Ambot-Bastard Powerman Heel ACABomb Sitdown Powerbomb
Anawoo Powerwoman Face Anabolika-Shock Top Rope Brainbuster
Andrew Evans Allrounder Face Mark out Inverted Reverse Powerslam
Angels from Hell
Takeru Ying & Masaru Yang
Highflyer & Allrounder Neutral Armageddon Backbreaker into Top Rope Legdrop
ANP Allrounder Neutral (mit Neigung zum Heel) ANP-DDT DDT
Antrax Powerman Heel Deathwing Vertebreaker
Arana Powerhouse Heel Haka Slam Gorilla Press Slam kombiniert mit Bewegungen aus dem traditionellen Haka-Kriegstanz
Ares "El Azteca" Rojas Highflyer, Brawler Face 1) Puesta del Sol
2) El Carnicero
1) Twisting Springboard Tornado DDT
2) Spinning Double Underhook DDT
Assassin Allrounder (mehr Highfly-Techniker) Neutral 1) Elevated Crab
2) X-Wing
1) Boston Crab
2) Reverse Russion Legsweep
AssMan Powerman Face AssBomb Elevated Powerbomb
Aurroa "Hellkitty" Anderson Highfly-Technikerin Neutral 1) Bad Awakening 
2) The Downfall
1) Shooting Star Press 
2) Rocker Dropper
Animal named Animosity Highflyer Face Upfuck Jump Swanton Bomb
Azuma Anji Techniker, Brawler, Powerhouse Heel
Bad Seed Brawler Heel 1) Vision of Angel
2) Seed Of Bad Suplex
1) Sharpshooter
2) German Suplex
Baldur Highfly-Techniker Heel Asgard's Fly Top Rope Flying Headscissor
"Der Fluch" Bane Brawler, Powermann, Hardcore, Roughness Neutral 1.) Knight Fall
2.) Falling Down
1.) Special Dangerous Backbreaker
2.) Whip-In ino Choketoss out of the Ring
Baron Rhodes Powerman / Hardcore Heel The End Of Roads Chokebomb
Berlin Tornado Powerman Neutral Tornado Slam Twisted Powerslam
Berzerk Powerman Neutral 1) Feierabendmacher
2) Berserkstrauma
1) Running Powerslam
2) Clawhold
Bewitched Brawler Heel Chokeslam from heaven or hell Chokeslam
Big Bam Broski Allrounder Neutral
Big Bull Powerman Neutral Bull-Buster Brainbuster
Big Stefan Techniker Neutral Swamton Bomb Swamton Bomb
Black Cat Technikerin Neutral Black Moonsault Asai Moonsault
Black Progress (Eddy Exodus & Tosh) Technik-Brawler & Brawler Neutral Reggout 3/4 Tossing Neckbreaker
Boris Orlov Allrounder - 1) Zov ovtsebyka
2) Myagkiy buton orkhidei
1) Ankle Lock
2) Muscle Buster
Brain Dad Brawler Neutral Brain Dead Chokeslam at temples until fainting-fit
"The Destroyer" Brian Johnson Technik / Brawler Heel 1) Backkiller
2) Spear
1) (Pop-up) Powerbomb
2) Spear
Brothers of Destruction (Sick Blood & Soulreaper) Powerman / Powerman Heel - / - - / -
Brutus "Big Boy" Kim Powerman Heel Royal Slam Pumphandle Slam
Bryan Edwards Allrounder Face 1) Brosault
2) Drop from the Top
1) Standing Moonsault Side Slam, sometimes from the Top Rope
2) Diving Leg Drop
"Iron" Brian Tyson Techniker Heel Iron Fist Heavy Punch with close fist straight to face
Bumaje Allrounder Heel Easy Prey Speartackle
Butch "The Butcher" Butchington Brawler ? 1) Final Butch
2) Butch Out
1) Powerbomb
2) RKO
BZA Allrounder Face P.I.M.P Torture Rack into Falling Face Slam
Buritoman Allrounder Face 1) Burito Splash
2) Burito Squeeze
1) 450 Splash
2) Yes-Lock
Cameron Westwood Brawler / Powerman Face Touchdown Sitdown Tigerbomb
Cannibal Techniker / Highflyer Heelt Eating Him STS
Cedric La Rouge Submission Heel French Affair Shining Wizard
Cereal Killer Allrounder Heel Killer Beast Reverse Inverted Piledriver
Chain Cowain - Neutral Wishes from Hell Springboard Neckbreaker
Chef Technik-Powerman Neutral Diggen Säck Shattered Dreams into First Rope Dangerous DDT
Carson Sicilian Highflyer Heel Sicilian Crash Dropkick into 450° Splash into Cover
Cheryl Breuer Highflyer Heel Great Facebuster Fireman's Carry Facebuster
Chaos Techniker Face Special Greetings from Crashtown Special Sharpshooter
Chaosfighter Allrounder Face Chaos End Special Sitdown Powerbomb
Chris "Hawk" Allrounder Heel The Price of Blood Tiger Driver '91
Chris McFly Jr. Allrounder / Techniker Face Butterfly Suplex Double Underhook Hold mit schnellem Überwurf nach hinten
Chris Stryker Highfly / Hardcore Neutral 1) Go to Hell
2) Rise and Fall
1) Flowing DDT
2) Hochgesprungener Moonsault
"The Player" Christian Allrounder Heel 1) CKO 2) Player`s Strike 1) RKO 2) Spear
Chrizzy Brawler Heel No Mans Suplex Suplex
"The Bitch Witch" Cinderella Boy Technikerin Neutral Shut up! Sitout Facebuster
Circumvent Techniker Neutral Glow Like Phosphorus Diving Forearm Smash vom Top Rope gegen den stehenden Gegner
Cliff Hardy Highflyer Neutral Twist of Fate Swing Jumping Neckbreaker
Frog Splash
Cobra Highfly-Techniker Neutral Cobra Kiss Shooting Star Press into Legdrop
Costado Highflyer Face 1) Mastafusion
2) Lucha DDT
1) Flipping Leg Drop
2) Spinning DDT aus der Ecke
Cronic (Neo & Cloud Mc Neal) Powerman & Techniker Heel Death Chokeslam Top Rope Chokeslam
Ciberius Powerman Heel Nova Bomb Elevated Powerbomb
Crazyboy JI Powerman, Submission Face Over Shoulder DDT Torture Rack into DDT
Crest Brawler, Techniker Heel 1) Crack Addict
2) Spear
1) Backdrop into Front Slam
2) Special Running Speartackle
Crucified Brawler, Powerman Neutral Headbutt from Hell Diving Headbutt
Cyrus "The Lion" Achaemid Techniker Neutral 1) Heir Apparent
2) Lion's Bite
1) Argentine DDT
2) Pentagram Choke
Dallas Hart Techniker Face Sharpshooter Standing Figure 4 Leglock
Daniele Cantona Brawler / Techniker Neutral Tod in Marseille Superkick
Danny Rickson Techniker Heel 1) MTS (Most Technical Slam)
2) England Splash
1) California Roll
2) Special Top Rope Splash (Moneyshot)
Dark Snake Allrounder Neutral Dark Snake Attack Fisherman Suplex
Dark Angelz (G-Sez & Legion) Power-Brawler & Power Brawler Neutral Exodus Double Lifted Powerbomb
Dave Cuttony Powerman Face Grunner Spear
David Hott Highflyer Heel Off The Charts Shooting Star Press into Double Footstomp
Dead Atlas Techniker Face 1) Death From Above
2) Headbuster
1) Knee Strike From Top Turnbuckle
2) Headlock Driver
Deamon Allrounder Heel Fallen Angel Yakuza Kick into Elevated Powerbomb
"Swagmaster" Dean Welkey Allrounder Heel 1) Swag Express
2) YOLO Lock
1) Rolling Cutter
2) Ankle Lock
Prophet's of Hell  (Deathmaster & Devil's Prophet) Techniker & Techniker Heel Welcome to Hades Special Top Rope Suplex into Shooting Star Press
Der Koloss Ali Powerhouse Face 1) Skullsqueezer
2) Chokeslam
1) Two-handed clawhold
2) (Two-handed) Chokeslam
Desmond Briggs Techniker / Hardcore Face 1) Ironheart Manor
2) Dragonclaw Sanctuary
1) Barry White Driver (siehe Super Dragon)
2) Backfist
Destructor Pauli Striker Neutral Pauli Splash Big Splash
Die Faust Bukarests Brawler Neutral Bucuresti som Dragon Sleeper
Dilan Wilson Highflyer, Lucha Libre Neutral Swanton Bomb Extreme Senton Bomb
1) Salvation
2) Resurrection
1) Fireman's Carry Cutter
2) Double Underhook Facebuster
Dolfgrin Hunter Brawler / Hardcore Heel 1) Fang Snaps
2) Greet Your Ancients!
1) Headbutt Fury
2) Yakuza Kick
Don Floriano
Samoan Drop
Double K Power-Brawler Face 1) King Kobra Klutch
2) Royal End
1) Cobra Clutch after Kinston Clothesline
2) Lift & Cutter
Doug Samson Powerman Face BOON! Top Rope Leg Drop
Druid Allrounder Neutral Rune Reverse Vertical Springboard Brainbuster
Dschin Highfly-Techniker Heel Dschinkiller Turnbuckle Tornado DDT
Dschungle-Kid Techniker Neutral - -
"The Scotsman" Duncan MacAllister Brawler / Powerman Face 1) Tossing the Caber
2) Tasty Haggis
1) Delayed Vertical Suplex
2) Gorilla Press Stomachbreaker
Ed Steele Allrounder Neutral Widowmaker Steiner Screw Driver
Eli Colson Allrounder Face Whiplash Berkocet (Spinning Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster)
El Drágon Highflyer Face 1) Rising Sun
2) KOPile
1) Moonsault Senton
2) Reverse Headscissors
El Futuro Techniker / American Lucha Libre bzw. High Flyer Face Go Back 2 San Juan Go to Sleep
El Metztli ??? ??? Mexican Deathwish Reverse Canadian Destroyer
El Misterio Highflyer / Techniker Face Mexican Special Moonsault Sideslam
Eric Fletcher Allrounder Heel 1) Lights out
2) Deadline
1) Bulldog bei dem der Kopf des Gegners auf Erics Knien landet
2) Running Elbow Smash to Chin (Sliding D)
Erick Ivans Allrounder Face A heroic move Double Underhook Suplex
"The Ring Artist" Eric Parks Allrounder Neutral My Creation Belly to Belly Suplex
Europa Technikerin Neutral Europa's Gnade Top Rope Spear
"The Pope" Ezekiel Mayhem Powerman Heel 1) Book of Ezekiel
2) Swinging Reverse STO
1) Package Piledriver
2) Swinging Reverse STO
"Fat Man" Jo Dardano Powerman Neutral - -
Fatal Fabolous Fabian Techniker Face 1) F-Lock
2) Fatal DDT
1) Special Sharpshooter
2) Implant DDT
"Scottish Claymore" Findus McMorlock Highflyer Neutral 1) Scottish Sunset
2) Inverness Saut
1) 630 Senton
2) Double Rotation Moonsault
Finnigan Sinister
Violent Messiah
Firebird Martial Arts/Highflying Tweener 1) Assigning
2) Burn
1) Thrust Kick to Chin
2) Evenflow DDT
Fister Twister Brawler / Powerman Heel 1) Fist Fight
2) Come Up and Fist
1) Knee Bar
2) Atomic Drop
Fist Twist Highflyer Heel 1) Fist Fight
2) Come Up and Fist
1) Knee Bar
2) Atomic Drop
FK Techniker Neutral FKKO Jumping Reverse Neckbreaker
Flow Ortiz Brawler / Powerman Heel Last Ride Powerbomb
Flying Kid Highflyer Face Final Kick -
Folopis Allrounder Face 1) 030
2)The time is fine
1) Tiger Feint Kick
2) Powerbomb into Facebuster
Frank Strike
1) THE Strike
2) Detroitarena
1) Knockout Punch
2) Top Rope Spinning Powerslam
Funky Freddy Allrounder Face Electric Harmonix Top Rope Flying Elbow
Fusion Snide
The FS
Swanton Bomb
Brawler / Powerman
Series of Pain
Two Times Repeated Powerbomb into Sharpshooter
Garrison Gaeta Allrounder Heel 1) Famekiller
2) Beautiful Touch
1) Powerbomb Lungblower
2) Spear
German Gentleman Techniker Neutral German Greetings Multiple Bridging German Suplex
Ghost Techniker Face 1) Ghostbuster
2) Ghostlock
1) Death Valley Driver
2) Crossface
Gian "The Tornado" Luigi Powerman / Brawler Face Mafiabuster Texas Piledriver
GoldenStarrr hauptsächlich harte Schläge und Tritte, kaum wirkliche Wrestling-Aktionen Bizarr
Graf Einauge Irgendwo auf den Ozeanen dieser Welt Neutral Drunken Pirate Piledriver Spinning Piledriver
Grandmaster P. Powerman Face Grandbomb Powerbomb
Great Ylotsch Technik-Allrounder Neutral Feel the End Torture Rack into Swinging Falling Faceslam + Asaii Moonsault
Günther "Der Hammer" Wagner Powerman Face Hammer Driller Full Nelson Bomb
Gun Metal Martial Arts Face Gun Shot Jumping Spin Kick an Kinnspitze
Half Man Half Amazing Highflyer Heel Korean Airlines Swanton Bomb
Hardcore Harry Allrounder Heel Harryliner Spinning Rack Pencake
Hardcore Dragon Power, Techniker, Brawler Face Dragon Clutch Reverse Death Valley Driver
Hayato Kawaga Techniker Face 1) Tokio Impact
2) Asia Selection
1) Camel clutch
2) Fireman's carry
Heat Techniker Neutral The End Sharpshooter
Heat Hammer
Special Torture Rack into Falling Faceslam
Heimdall Power-Techniker Heel 1) Heimdall's Fury
2) The Way over Binfröst
1) Torture Rack into Swinging Neckbreaker
2) Brainbuster DDT
Heinrich von Sternburg Powerhouse Heel DKNS Burning Hammer
Herbert "Die Spinne" Schmidt Techniker Face Gogoplata Triangle Choke
Holly Hutcherson Allrounder Heel 1) Lightstealer
2) Last Trap
1) GTR (Inverted DDT aufs Knie)
2) Rolling Cross Armbreaker (Submission)
I fell to Earth Some Fields, USA Normal Something's wrong here Dropkick vom Top Rope an den Hinterkopf des Gegners
Ilaj Callas Allrounder Heel 1) The Instant Classic
2) Out of Order
1) Hangman's Facebuster
2) Regal Stretch
Jack Atkins Techniker / Powerman Neutral 1) Redneck Wrack
2) "God and Guns"
1) Torture Wrack
2) Fireman's Carry Cutter (TKO)
Jack Newel Hannover (mit amerikanischer Abstammung) Face Go 2 Sleep Fireman's Carry into drop opponent into Knee Kick into Face
"Iron" Jack Storm Powerman Heel Ironstorm Falcon Arrow
Jack "T-Bone" Parks Techniker / Allrounder Neutral 1) Endplex
2) The Cloverleaf
1) T-Bone Suplex
2) Cloverleaf
Jack the Hammer
Suplex into Powerslam
Jack Vigo
Stunner from Hell
Falling Reverse Neckbreaker
James Hazley Suicidal Neutral Suicid Memories Tornado DDT in allen Variantionen
James Humphrey Highflyer Neutral
James Mc Cloud Highflyer / Techniker Heel Rules of Crime 360° Splash
Jamie Bolton Highflyer Face Trouble Twister 450° Splash
"Porzellanprinzesschen" Jason Boy Highflyer Face Glockengeläut Running Corner Kick into Groin
Jason Storm
Storm Suplex
Front Suplex
Ishues Highfly-Technik-Brawler Face Life is peachy Special STO
J. T. K. Techniker Neutral 1) Tapulator
2) Surround Assault
1) Spinebuster into Boston Crab
2) Enzuigiri
Jacob Kwabena Techniker Face -
James Diamond Allrounder Heel Diamond Drill Corkscrew Back Elbow
"Thunder" Jay Kay Techniker Face Thunder Slam Belly to Belly-Slam
Jey Ley Highflyer Heel 450° Splash 450° Splash
Jhon Allrounder Heel Dirty 'nd Dope Snap Swinging Neckbreaker
Jim "Good News" Allrounder Face 1) Good News
2) Jim End
1) Top Rope Vorwärtssalto gegen stehenden Gegner
2) Special STO
JBO (Jochen Bernd Olsen) Allrounder Neutral Break the Head Second Rope Piledriver
Johnboy Dog Allrounder Tweener The Game's over Superkick
Joe Jobber Allrounder Neutral Jobber Splash Top Rope Big Splash
John Crave Allrounder Face Apocalypse Reverse Brainbuster
John Nigger Allrounder Neutral Gettoblaster Belly to back suplex lift twisted into a modified side slam
John Power
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1) Nice Power Choke
2) Top Bomb
1) Chokeslam
2) Top Rope Powerbomb
Johnny Bottrop Suicid Neutral Anarchy Slam Falcon Arrow
Johnny Trouble
Lethal Takedown
Sleeperhold gegen stehenden Gegner, wird zum Genickbruch Ansatz, der den Gegner zu Boden zwingt. Aufgabegriff.
"The Future" JT Muskelmann Face Future Kick Superkick
Julia Paine Allrounderin Face Paine's Destructor First Rope Piledriver
Justin Blaze
Key Log
Justin Sane Highfligh-Techniker Heel That's Insane Cradle Piledriver
Kaito Takashima Allrounder 180 90 Heel
Kaito Tokugawa Kräftig Face Bleeding Crossface Crossface
Keek Hathaway Allrounder Neutral 1) Earthquake Driver 2) 50 Shades of Anger 1) Jumping Pilvedriver 2) STO
Ken "Guillotine" Roberts Highflyer Heel The Guillotine Top Rope Neckbreaker + Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault into Leg Drop
Kevin Styx Techniker Neutral 1) Assassins Piledriver
2) Figure 4 Styx Lock
1) Package Piledriver
2) Figure 4 Leg Lock
"The Dramatic One" Killian Sullivan Brawler Heel Dramatic Ending Bicycle High Knee
Krogazer Allrounder Neutral Kross-Over Figure Four Leglock
Kryptonite Techniker Face Kryptonite Crusher Special Reverse Neckbreaker
Leandro Techniker Face Stont Trick Rolling Wheel Kick
Lee Edgar Alexander Powerhouse / Unfair / Hardcore 190 95,1 Neutral
Leif "The Hollowman" Johansson Allronder (mehr Technik-Powerman) Neutral Scandinavian Widow Maker Super Brainbuster
Lil' Gotti
Highflyer, Allrounder
Sweet Chin Music
Letast Allrounder Neutral Starship Pain Split Legged Corkscrew Moonsault
"Buzzkill" Liam Spencer Striker Face KILLJOY Buzzsaw Kick
Lil Show
"The Superior" Lionel Jannek Allrounder Heel 1) Outclash
2) Peak of Superiority
3) Superior Leglock
1) Tiger Driver 91
2) Ein gezielter Schlag in die Oberkörpergegend, die dem Gegner die Luft raubt
3) Ein modifizierter Figure 4 Leglock
Loki Allrounder Heel Asgardarana Top Rope Hurrancanrana
Lone Wolf Brawler Face Deathloner Firemans Carry into 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker
Luke Phoenix
180° Double Knee Drop from ground
Lord Nicon Highfly-Powerman Neutral Nicon Destroyer Top Rope DDT
Luther Donari Capoeira-Style Face " Die Sonne Jamaikas " Ansatz zum DDT, dann Fingerzeig azu einer imaginären Sonne, danach Twist of Fate
Kosto Allrounder Heel Titillation Inverted Dragon Sleeper
Mali Hardcore / Submission Face Headhunter Double Knee Facebuster
Mammut Allrounder Neutral Stoßzahn Spear mit Anlauf aus den Seilen
Mandrake Allrounder Heel 1) Massacre
2) Endless Nightmare
1) Double Underhook Sitdown Tigerbomb
2) Triangle Chin Chokehold
Meakau Allrounder (mehr Techniker) Face Maekau-Attack Flowing DDT
Man of Entertainment Highflyer / Techniker Face MOE Coast to Coast
Marcin Brawler Tweener 1) Goat Special
2) Polacy Greetz
1) Cop Killa (Vertebreaker), 2) Brainbuster
Marc the Shark Techniker / Powerman Heel Sharks Bite (Haibiss) Aufgabegriff bei dem der Hals des Gegners zwischen beiden Unterarmen gequetscht wird
Marius Breuer
Special Falling Neckbreaker
Masako Allrounder (mehr Power-Techniker) Neutral 1) Red Hook Slam
2) Time-Out
1) Full Neldson STO
2) Falling Reverse Neckbreaker
Master of Disaster Powerman Neutral The Chaos Diamond Cutter
Master of Pain Allrounder Heel Repeated Powerbomb Repeated Powerbomb
"The Forsaken" MasterX Hardcore Heel Darkness Powerbomb Senton Bomb
Matt Maximum Powerman Neutral 1) Maximum Slam
2) Maximum Clothesline
1) Gorilla Press
2) Discus Clothesline
Matthäus Meister Powerhouse Heel Final Judgement Chokebomb
Max Hooligan Powerman Heel
Max Moustache Highflyer Heel Berghain Bouncer Frog Splash
Maximilian Lunenkind
Backdrop Driver
Triple M Power-Techniker Neutral Bye Bye Guy ... Top Rope Flying Headbutt
Melo Highflyer Heel Melo Blizzard 450° Corkscrew Splash
"Chazz" Michael Michaels Brawler Neutral Iron Lotus Twisted Powerslam
Michael Payne Powerhouse Face 1) Spinal Surgery
2) Traumatic Halluzination
1) Backdrop Driver
2) Running Big Boot
Michael Soft Allrounder (mehr Techniker und High Risk) Face Softful DDT Swinging DDT
Mighty Gallant Techniker Heel 1) Gallant's Theory
2) The Salvation Gates
1) Sit-Out Butterfly Facebuster bzw. Fairy Tale Ending
2) Ankle Lock
Mike Defiant Brawler Tweener Defiant Way Fireman's Carry Double Knee Gutbuster
Mike Sheppard Brawler Tweener Defiant Way Fireman's Carry Double Knee Gutbuster
Mike Swanton
Dogg Pound
Flying Elbowdrop
Miro the Animal
Top Rope DDT
MT Calamity Brawler Heel Calamity Abyss Gutwrench Powerbomb
Murderer Power-Brawler Neutral Joker End  Tritt in Kronjuwelen into Falling Reverse Neckbreaker
Mr. Champion Powerman Heel Brainwashing Piledriver
Mr. Luke Powerman Heel Powerbomb Powerbomb
Mr. Marais Techniker, Showman Neutral 1) The Drivng Car
2) On The Road
1) Yes-Lock
2) Figure Four Leg Lock
Mr. Party Papa Pacha Techniker Heel 1) Stagediving Extreme
2) 16 Bit Tarantula
1) Shooting Star Senton
2) Tarantula
Mr. Sicilian Brawler / Powerhouse / Highflyer Face Masterslam Olympic Slam
Mr. Sleepwalker Brawler Neutral Sleep well Jumping Tomokaze
Mr. X Highfly-Techniker Face 1) Highfly-Breaker
2) X-Plosion
1) Belly to Backbreaker
2) Top Rope Speartackle
Murdoc Allrounder Heel 1) Killcut
2) Last Breath
1) Jumping Cutter
2) Cobra Cluch
Mushroom Brawler Neutral G.F.S.D.A. Anaconda Cross / Anaconda Vice
Muskel Miller Allrounder / Strongstyle Neutral 1) Quiet Storm
2) Kryonik Jail
1) Vertical Suplex into Reverse Snap Implant Side Piledriver
2) Twister Lock
Mystery Highfly-Technikerin Face Mystery Star Press Shooting Star Press
Necromanus Highfly-Techniker Heel Last Appear Neckbreaker
Nemesis Pwer-Hardcore Heel Destroyer Stalling Suplex into Powerslam
Odin Technik-Powerman Heel 1) Bonebreaker
2) Way to Walhalla
1) Top Rope Two-Hand Chokeslam
2) Second Rope Piledriver into Texas Cloverleaf
Spear mit Anlauf
P-Dawq Brawler Heel Skulldemolition Black Mess
Pain Angel Powerman / Techniker / Allrounder Neutral Game over Sharpshooter
Paintker Muskelman Heel Racer Crucifix Powerbomb
Parn Allrounder Face Moonsault of Heaven Reverse Moonsault
Paul "Reeperbahn" Herberts Techniker Heel 1) Davidswache
2) St. Pauli Krabbe
1) Bridging Full Nelson Suplex
2) Boston Crab
Pheasant Warrior Lucha Libre Heel 1) Broken Wings
2) Pheasant's Way
1) Paro Special (Submission)
2) Headscissors samt Small Package
PheeLings Spin
Torture Rack into STO
Pitchfork Hardcore Face London after Midnight X-Factor
Player Allrounder Heel 1) Playin Extinction
2) Game Changer
3) Play Strike
1) F5
2) RKO
3) Punt Kick
Prestiger Allrounder Neutral Camel Clutch Camel Clutch
Tamil Bomb
Sitdown Powerbomb
Raze Nightroad Powerhouse Neutral 1) Ancient Gear
2) Swiss Superkick
1) Wurf
2) Superkick
Ralph Nero Bogarde Powerman Face Ralphó Suplex German Suplex in die Ringecke
Ramone Dexter Allrounder Heel Fake your Facebuster Gutwrench Facebuster
Rare Hunter Highfly / Techniker Neutral Rare DDT 720 DDT
Raul Allrounder Face Chaos Suplex German Suplex
Rene "The Renol" Breuer Powerman Heel Breuer Bomb Crucifiy Powerbomn
Revanche Highfly-Technikerin Heel Faceball Tornado DDT
Ric Verbec Power-Brawler Face 1) Spear
2) Cold Explosion
1) Spear
2) High Jumping Spinebuster
Richard "Haz" King Allrounder Heel The King's Crown Full Nelson to Cutter
Ricky "The Rage" Steam MMA Crossover Heel Dragon Force Armlock
Rex Justice Allrounder Neutral Death Sentence Forward Russian Legsweep
"Das Scheusal" Raphaellus Krueger Brawler / Techniker Neutral Os Impurum Madible Claw
Reinkor Powerman Neutral Reingewinn Gutwrench Powerbomb
Richard von Hansa Techniker Heel Burberry Driver Psycho Driver
Rikoshet Techniker Face STO Modified Double Underhook Facebuster
R. J. Firefly Allrounder Neutral 1) Wisconsin Death Trip
2) Little Boy
&xnbsp;1) Firemans Carry into Neckbreaker
2) Half Nelson into Backbreaker
"The Innovator of Death Sins" Robert Pride Submission / Techniker Heel The 7th Sin Sleeperhold
Ruben, der Gladiator Powerman Face Gladiator Bomb Lifted Powerbomb
Sacrifice Allrounder Face Fire on one Senton Bomb
Ryan Cooper Highflyer / Techniker Face 1) The Right Way
2) Special Redemption
1) Twist of Fate
2) Sweet Chin Music
S1margl Allrounder Face Enter Night Screwdriver
S the Macho Highflyer Heel The Flying Death Top Rope Big Splash
Sammy Lorenz Suicid, Hardcore, Technik Heel SST Sick Sad Twiztid Swanton Bomb
Samson Techniker Heel Crack-Attack Stunner
Sara Mc Clint Allrounderin (mehr Highfly-Technikerin) Neutral Revenge Top Rope DDT
Jimmy Lawrence Highflyer / Techniker Heel Lawrence Lock Crossface
SCAR/E Techniker / Highflyer Unbekannt SCAR/E Tactics Death Star Submission
Self Justice Allrounder Heel Final Justice Powerbomb
Sexy Chucky Allrounder Heel Pulp Fiction Spinning Heel Kick
Shadow Warrior Highfly-Techniker Face Suck it ! STO
Shawn McKay Powerman/Hardcore Heel 1) The Powerbreaker
2) Wings of Pain
1) Press up Slam into Diamond Cutter
2) Full Nelson/Camel Clutch Combination
Shepherd Allrounder / Strong Style Neutral
Shnoki Highflyer Neutral Stink Bomb Dragon Attack
Shorty Highfly-Techniker Face Say Hello to Death Springboard Hurrancanrana
Sik Technik-Allrounder Face The Worker Pimp Drop
SilverStarrr Techniker / teilweise Highflying-Einflüsse Bizarr - verschiedene Moves, meistens DDT-Variationen
Silvan Brawler Heel Dirty Bomb Powerbomb
Sky O'Devil Powerman Neutral Devil Bomb One Hand Spinebuster
Slay Oakland Striker Heel Cantona
Soundso Powerman Face People's Elbow Running Elbow Smash
Star Kid Warrior Er kann alles, aber nichts richtig Neutral 1) Star Kid Warrior Press
2) Star Kid Warrior Splash
1) Gorilla Press Slam
2) Running Big Splash
Steve Hunter Powerman Face F-5 F-5
Steve "in your eyes" Dawson Techniker Heel Superkick Thrustkick
Steve Reno Power-Technik-Brawler Face 1) Hell Raiser
2) Thunder Bomb
1) Jumping Powerbomb
2) Powerbomb to Piledriver
Stephen Jefferies Allrounder Face The Jeffster Reverse Falling Cutter
Steinhammer Techniker Unentschlossen 1) Sichel Slam
2) Luftbrücke
1) Olympic/Angle Slam
2) Bridging German Suplex
Steve Briggs Techniker / Brawler Tweener Briggs Breaker Vertical Suplex Piledriver
Steven Seidel Brawler Heel Dropkick from Hell Flying Dropkick
"Texas Hero" Stormy Boy Techniker Face Firestorm Flipping Neckbreaker
Synn Powerman Heel Synn Hammer Lariat
Strong Olli Allrounder Face Sweet Chin Music Superkick
T-Bone Highfly-Techniker Face Sudden Death Reverse Double Underhook Kryptonite Krunch
Taker Powerhouse Neutral Graveyard Screwdriver
Team Washington (Jeff und Matt Washington) Brawler / Submission Face Washington Slam / Washington Lock Stalling Suplex into Faceslam / Sharpshooter
Tha Criminal Hardcore Powerman Face 1) The Last Rhyme
2) Break yo Neck Reverse Neckbreaker
1) Powerbomb to Facebuster
2) Brainbuster DDT
The Boon Techniker Heel 1) BoonBuster
2) The Last Chapter
1) Chickenwing Over Head Slam
2) Running High Knee
The Burning Martial Artist Neutral Double Execution Running Moonsault Kick into Top Rope Guillotine Legdrop
The Crow Allrounder Neutral The Look of the Crow Scorpion Death Lock
The Crow Allrounder Face Out of Nowhere F-U
The Crow Allrounder Heel 1) Wings of Hope
2) Trade In Lock
1) Chickenwing Piledriver
2) Modified Haas of Pain
The Enigma Highflyer/Ultra Violent Spots Neutral 1) Lost in the Whirlwind
2) Welcome to Amnesia
1) Corkscrew Moonsault
2) Busaiku Knee Kick
The Fan Highfly, Technik, Allrounder Face Fantastic Chickenwing Front Faceslam
The Dark Emperor Powerman Heel Emperor's Tombstone Jumping Reverse Inverted Piledriver
The Death Powerman Heel The Deaths Powerbomb Jumping Powerbomb
The Death Grave Highfly/Techniker (Brawler) Neutral Burying Fisherman Suplex
The Dutch Dragon Highflyer / Techniker Neutral The Flying Dutchman Imploding 450° Splash
The Gladiator Powerhouse - Showman - Hardcore Heel 1) Gladiator Nightmare
2) Deatshine
1) Chokeslam
2) Submission
The Hammer Powerman Heel Valton Top Rope Brainbuster
The Hammer Powerman Heel Jackhammer Jackhammer
The Kill Techniker / Highflyer Face Sweet Chin Music Special Thrust Kick
The High Highfly / Techniker Face 900 Lucha Splash 900° Splash
The King Showman Face Last Ride for King's Special Sitdown Powerbomb
The Mask Highflyer Face The Fire Bomb Extreme Twist of Fate
The Hunter Technik/Powerman Heel Demonic Force Crucifix Facebuster
The Kid Highflyer/Hardcore Face 1) The HH Bomb
2) The Leg
1)Special Frog Splash
2) Top Rope Legdrop
The Legend Killer
1) ML-Spear
2) ML-Crossface
1) Special Speartackle
2) Special Crossface
The London Warrior Allrounder Heel London Bomb Powerbomb
The Master of the evil Dead and Blood Powerman Heel The Ride to Hell Top Rope Chokeslam
The Prolls (Kalle & Manni) Highfly-Brawler & Powerman Face Proll Attack Spike Piledriver
The Real Chosen One Allrounder Heel The Real One Chokeslam auf's Knie into Second Chokeslam
The Real Deal Frazier Malone & The Dutch Dragon Face - Powerbomb von Malone, dann 450° Splash vom Top Rope vom Dutch Dragon mit anschließendem Pin
The Slayer Technik-Powerman Heel The Last Game Top Rope Chokeslam
"Tiger Pryme" Ryan Hilton Allrounder (mehr Techniker) Face 1) Painmaker
2) Pain Hold
1) Reverse DDT
2) Dragon Sleeper
Timo Schiller Powerhouse Face Ruhrpott Representer
Steiner Screwdriver
Tony Beck Powerhouse Face The Big German Bridging German Suplex
Tornado Stick Power-Brawler Face Tornado Bomb Powerbomb
Toshihiro Hanaka Hardcore / Highflyer Neutral Uprising 450° Splash Pin
Triple U Powerman Heel Flying Snake Ride Special Elevated Powerbomb
Triple Max Powerman Heel 1) The Flyin Max
2) Austria Smash
1) Piledriver
2) Suplex
Tsuki Nosagi ??? ??? Honjo Masamune Reverse Tiger Driver
Ultra Rage Powerman Neutral Armageddon Chokeslam into Backbreaker
Venom Powerman Heel Venomable Bomb Special Repeated Powerbomb
Village Wrestlers (Achill & Tucki) Power-Brawler & Highflyer Neutral Christopher Streat Combo Powerbomb in die Ringecke + Shattered Dreams
Virus X Powerman Face 1) The Infection
2) The Outbreak
1) Vertical Suplex into Powerbomb Pin
2) Standing Dragon Sleeper
Westcoast Gangstaz (Chef & Mr. Schissldissl) Technik-Powerman & Technik Powerman Neutral Diggen Detonation 3/4 Tossing Neckbreaker into Falling Reverse Neckbreaker
Will Smith Techniker Neutral Philli Drop Top Rope Elbow Drop
x Oni x Grippler / Techniker / Submission Heel Demon End! Flying Armbar
Xiphias Syn Techniker Heel 1) Judgement
2) The art of pain
1) Double Knee Gutbuster
2) Koji Clutch
Yokomizo Sumo Heel Ajia Tokubetsu Running Splash
Zacharias Zwengelmann Mosklialowicz, Russland Heel Scootercrush Falling Elbow
Zero Powerman ???? Zero Degress Chokeslam
Zotti Techniker Heel Chokeslam Chokeslam

(c) 2001-2025 by German Fantasy Championship Wrestling